With regard to Sky Sign equipment, NEW OR USED, the rules are as follows:
Public Law 104-264 and enforced by FAA 14 CFR 21.2 or 43.12 states that the STC holder, in this case Sky Sign LLC, must issue a certificate of use to anyone authorized by Sky Sign LLC, to use the equipment. This makes Sky Sign LLC the STC/PMA holder, the sole authority in this regard.
The FAA will ground anyone operating without a certificate issued in the name of the operation or individual, which contains the aircraft N number and equipment serial number. The FAA also has the right to fine anyone operating without a certificate from Sky Sign LLC
With this ruling in place, the integrity of the Sky Sign system and it's legitimate operators will be maintained.
- Robinson R22 Series
- Robinson R44 Series
- Cessna 172, models F through current
- Enstrom F-28C/280C
- Sikorsky/Hughes/Schweizer 269C/300C
Over our 40 year history, the Sky Sign has been installed on various aircrafts, including a DC-3.
If you can obtain field approval from your local FSDO, you may be able to install the sign system on your aircraft.